Adolescent girls and boys in Bulawayo
north district, who have been bombarded by scare tactics in HIV prevention, sex
and sexuality education for a long time, are set to benefit from a programme
that seeks to promote
positive approaches to sexuality and achieve comprehensive sexuality education
for young people.
sexuality education campaign has been launched to safeguard adolescents’ right
to have control over and decide freely and responsibly on matters related to
their sexuality including sexual and reproductive health, free of coercion,
discrimination and violence, in line with the 1995 Beijing Programme of Action, paragraph 96.
The campaign
is part of our Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights programme which has been
designed to allow teenagers to talk about sex, life and relationships in a
healthy way.
The Creative
Centre for Communication and Development began the programme the first week of April
2013 and the programme is expected to run for 12 months. Teenagers are meeting once
every week for knowledge and skills building workshops that encourage frank and
non-judgemental conversations for participants to have correct information
about a range of Sexual and Reproductive Health and gender issues.