Strategically using ICTs to amplify voices of silenced groups

Friday, April 26, 2013

Challenges facing women come under scrutiny

Women in Bulawayo north district of Bulawayo metropolitan province have decried some cultural practices in Zimbabwe that have relegated women and girls to the periphery of society.

The women, who had gathered at Montgomery Hall in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe for a workshop facilitated by the Creative Centre for Communication and Development, said women and girls continue to be side-lined on issues such as inheritance for the mere reason that they are women. They said such challenges have impoverished women and further exposed them to other challenges such as HIV/AIDS and sexual abuse and exploitation.   

To alleviate the daily challenges facing women and girls, the Creative Centre for Communication and Development convened the one-day workshop to empower women and girls with knowledge and information about their rights, particularly on issues such as HIV, inheritance and reproductive health rights. The workshop ran under the theme: Becoming a woman of influence.

The workshop, which was attended by 115 grassroots women and adolescent girls sought to build women’s capacity to create, access, utilise and share information and knowledge that enables them to achieve their full potential in promoting their sustainable development and improving their quality of life premised on the purposes and principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The workshop was also attended by several other civil society organisations that included Self Help Development Foundation, Hope for a child in Christ, Susceptible Iyanai Chinoda OVC Care, Heal Makokoba Trust and Emthonjeni Women’s Forum.