THE Creative
Centre for Communication and Development joined some
individuals and other organisations to host an early Christmas party for
inmates at Ingutsheni Psychiatric hospital, Zimbabwe’s biggest referral
hospital for people living with mental illnesses.
The organisation
took part in this activity as part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender
Based Violence campaigns. This was done after the organisation had realised
that people living with mental illness were shunned and excluded from engaging in activities that are important to them and the entire community.
CCCD distributed
clothing items for the inmates and 300 purple ribbons and pins, 30 posters and car
stickers to the over 300 inmates, sponsors and staff members who were at the
party. The festive event was marked by various activities including modelling,
eating and dancing competitions by the inmates. In the modelling competition,
Gift Moyo was voted Mr Ingutsheni and Ruvarashe Mufandaedza lived up to her
name when she was voted Miss Ingutsheni. Ruvarashe literally means God’s
Creative Centre
for Communication and Development board chairperson, Pastor Febbie Chuma who
was one of the judges in the modelling competition handed out the prizes to the
jovial winners and encouraged them to work hard in preparation for the next